
RHB Indonesia - Company Update: Indofood CBP (ICBP IJ, BUY, TP: IDR10,200), Earnings Likely To Improve In 2H16 Unknown Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Company update:
Indofood CBP (ICBP IJ, BUY, TP: IDR10,200),
Earnings Likely To Improve In 2H16
We expect Indofood CBP’s earnings to improve in 2H16, driven by:
1.   Consumer spending growth, ie better noodles and dairy product sales;
2.   Lower input costs (especially flour) lifting earnings of its noodles unit;
3.   Lower operating losses from its beverage segment.

2Q16 earnings came above expectations. We lift our FY17F-18F earnings by 9-7%, respectively. Rolling over our valuation to FY17F (based on cashflow), we raise our DCF-based TP to IDR10,200 (from IDR8,400, 13% upside), implying 27x/21x FY17F-18F P/Es. Maintain BUY.
      More premium noodle and dairy products. We think consumer spending is likely to grow in 2H16, driven by more stable inflation as well as an improvement in the income levels of Indonesians – especially those outside Java islands – on the back of higher coal and CPO prices, which are among their main income sources. Given this expected improvement, by mid-2Q16, Indofood CBP (Indofood) started launching new premium products, ie Indomie Real Meat, Chitato Foodie snacks, banana-flavoured dairy Indomilk, and coconut water Coco Bit. According to Indofood, sales of these premium packaged foods are strong and are growing faster than that of ordinary Indofood products. Thus, we are more optimistic on its sales outlook.
      Input costs likely to decline. In August, the average price of flour (a raw material to make noodles) declined by 3%. Since noodles accounted for 65% of 1H16 sales and flour contributed around 30% of production costs, lower flour prices are likely to reduce Indofood’s production costs significantly. In addition, a strengthening IDR should further lower costs since around 70% production costs are directly and indirectly related to USD, while sales are mostly in IDR terms. On the flip side, based on our calculation, the average selling price (ASP) of its noodle products increased 6% YTD. Lower input costs and a higher ASP should boost the company’s gross profit margin.
      Positive development on beverages. After Indofood shifted the duties of distributing and marketing beverages to its own distribution unit (vs a third party previously), we expect its beverage sales to increase significantly as it should find it easier to identify potential markets (which would lead to higher sales). Management indicated that the demand for its Club mineral water – which has improved packaging with a polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle – is high. However, its sales were capped by a shortage in PET bottle supply. Indofood plans to increase the production capacity of its Club mineral water.
      BUY, with an upgraded TP. We raised our FY17F-18F earnings by 9-7%, respectively, driven by higher-than-expected dairy earnings. Indofood raised its earning guidance on FY16F EBIT, thanks to its robust 1H16 earnings that were above our and consensus expectations, at 56% of our/consensus full-year estimates. We also raise our DCF-based TP to TP to IDR10,200 (from IDR8,400, 13% upside), implying 27x/21x FY17F-18F P/Es.

Best regards,
Andrey Wijaya
Senior Vice President
Research Analyst – Auto, Consumer, Cement
PT. RHB Securities Indonesia