
RHB Indonesia- Company Update: Media Nusantara Citra (MNCN IJ, BUY, TP: IDR2,500), Short-Term Speed Bump Unknown Rabu, 31 Agustus 2016

Company update:
Media Nusantara Citra (MNCN IJ, BUY, TP: IDR2,500),
Short-Term Speed Bump

We view Media Nusantara as still attractive, given:
1.   Better margins from cost savings due to the completion of its new studios and potential acquisition of a production house;
2.   A strong programme line-up in 2H16 to drive its rate card;
3.   Potentially higher FY17 dividends.

Maintain BUY and DCF-based IDR2,500 TP (27% upside), implying 15-13x FY17F-18F P/Es respectively. Management also denied recent reports on the MNCTV case. It still remains under its umbrella of TV stations.
¨       Audience share will remain strong in 2H16.We believe Media Nusantara Citra’s (Media Nusantara) TV station Rajawali Citra Televisi (RCTI) will be able to maintain its strong audience share performance in 2H16. This was after it was able to retain its top spot, with prime time audience share of 25.9% (-15% QoQ) as at June. This strong performance was supported by a strong programme line-up, which included the popular Anak Jalanan. A strong 2H16performance will be due to its new programme line-up, like AnugrahCinta and English Premier League, in our view. This high audience share could lead to a higher rate card for Media Nusantara.
¨       Monetisation will finally flow via topline. The monetisation of a higher rate card normally takes between a week and three months. This is because there is a contract between a media company and its fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) clients. In 2H16, Media Nusantara should be able to monetise its high rate card from its previous strong audience share numbers. Thus, we keep our 12% YoY topline growth assumption for FY16.
¨       Funding developments via an IPO. Management said subsidiary PT MNC Pictures is planning for an IPO next year. It is looking to unlock the value of the production house, which currently produces two drama series/day and six films/year. Based on management’s estimates, P/E valuation is 15-20x FY17F, or IDR1.2-1.6trn. The IPO proceeds will be used to fund MNC Pictures’ development and to acquire one of the largest production houses in Indonesia. We view this as one of its strategies to maintain its dominance in the media industry and to control costs by using more in-house production.
¨       The MNC TV case. Detikcom wrote on 19 Aug that a previous court ruling, which stated that MNC TV remained part of the group, had been overruled and that Siti Hardijanti Rukmana (Tutut) was now a 75% shareholder of MNC TV. Management denied this, but this issue has created an overhang on the share price. In our view, we do not think Media Nusantara will lose MNC TV –based on the Supreme Court decision, MNC Group retains its 75% ownership. We believe short-term investor panic over this case will diminish, as management has assured that MNC TV will remain as part of MNC group.
¨       Reiterate BUY and IDR2,500 TP.We remain positive on the stock on margin improvements from its integrated TV studios, management’s priority to pare down its USD debt at end-FY16(which reduces earnings volatility from forex gains/losses) and the possibility of higher FY17 dividends from increased FCF.

Kindly click the following link for the full report: Media Nusantara Citra : Short-Term Speed Bump

Best regards,
David Arie Hartono
Assistant Vice President
Research Analyst – Media, Transportation, Telco
PT. RHB Securities Indonesia