RHB Indonesia - Food & Beverage Products - Potential Impact Of Recent Wheat Price Jump (Food & Beverage Products) Unknown Kamis, 06 Juli 2017

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Food & Beverage Products – Potential Impact Of Recent Wheat Price Jump

The recent jump in the spot price of wheat may negatively impact the earnings of Indonesian consumer food companies – especially for those that produce flour, noodles and bread like Indofood Sukses Makmur, Indofood CBP and Nippon Indosari. However, it is still not certain whether the high price of wheat would be sustained. In the past three years, wheat prices have typically returned to normal levels in just a few weeks, after jumping suddenly. In addition, we believe there is room for consumer companies to manage wheat price fluctuations. Indofood Sukses Makmur and Indofood CBP commonly have around three months of raw materials in its inventory as a buffer, while Nippon Indosari mainly purchases flour based on 6-month contracts. We maintain our OVERWEIGHT rating on the sector.

¨ Can wheat prices be sustained after a jump? The wheat spot price jumped by 15% in the last three days, driven by dry conditions across Southern Australia and a forecasted drop in supply. Recently, the price of the commodity has been close to levels recorded in mid-2016. However, it is still uncertain whether these high prices would be sustained. In the past three years, sudden jumps in wheat prices also led to normalisation after just a couple of weeks.
¨ There is room to manage raw material costs. We believe consumer companies have room to manage the price fluctuations. Indofood purchases wheat at spot price levels, but usually has around three months’ worth of raw materials in its inventory as a buffer to manage price fluctuations. Meanwhile, Nippon Indosari purchases flour based on 6-month contracts that are largely renewed in December and June every year.
¨ Earnings to be negatively impacted if wheat prices stay high. If the high prices of wheat are sustained, it would negatively impact Indonesian consumer companies that produce noodles and bread, such as Indofood Sukses Makmur, Indofood CBP and Nippon Indosari. Flour accounts for a major portion of Nippon Indosari’s cost – about 20% of its bread COGS is related to flour purchases. For Indofood CBP’s noodle segment, we estimate around 20% of its COGS is also related to flour. Noodles account for 79% of the Indofood CBP’s EBIT. In 1Q17, Indofood CBP and Bogasari Flour Mills contributed 68% of Indofood Sukses Makmur’s EBIT. (Andrey Wijaya)

Link to daily report: Indonesia Morning Cuppa 060717

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Best regards,

Helmy Kristanto
Head of Indonesia Research
PT RHB Sekuritas Indonesia

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