RHB Indonesia- Economic Highlight: Economic Growth Accelerates in 2Q 2016, And Will Likely Gain Pace in 2H 2016 Unknown Senin, 08 Agustus 2016

Economic Highlight:
Economic Growth Accelerates in 2Q 2016, And Will Likely Gain Pace in 2H 2016
¨      Indonesia GDP growth increased to 5.2% y-o-y in 2Q, after slowing down to +4.9% in the previous quarter. This was due to higher private and government consumption spending but offset partly by a moderation in investment and smaller net exports.

¨      By industrial origin, this was reflected in faster growth in agriculture activities and stronger activities in manufacturing; trade; information & communications and financial services & insurance sectors. In addition, mining sector recorded a smaller contraction. A slowdown in electricity & gas; water supply; construction; transport & warehousing; accomodation, food & beverages; services and real estate sectors, however, posed a dragged to the overall growth.
¨      Overall, 2Q 2016 economic growth showed a resilient domestic demand helped cushioning sluggish external trade performance. This brings the economy to grow by 5.0% y-o-y in 1H, in line with our estimation. We envisage the situation to persist into 2H 2016 and the economy will likely grow at a faster pace of 5.2% in 2H 2016, with domestic demand remains the main engine of growth. As a result, we are of the view that the economy will likely post higher growth of 5.1% in 2016, from +4.8% in 2015.
Best regards,
Rizki Fajar
Vice President
PT. RHB Securities Indonesia