Economic Highlight:
Economic Growth Accelerates in 2Q 2016, And Will Likely Gain Pace in 2H 2016
Economic Growth Accelerates in 2Q 2016, And Will Likely Gain Pace in 2H 2016
GDP growth increased to 5.2% y-o-y in 2Q, after
slowing down to +4.9% in the previous quarter. This was due to higher private
and government consumption spending but offset partly by a moderation in
investment and smaller net exports.
By industrial origin, this was reflected in faster growth in
agriculture activities and stronger activities in manufacturing; trade;
information & communications and financial services & insurance
sectors. In addition, mining sector recorded a smaller contraction. A slowdown
in electricity & gas; water supply; construction; transport &
warehousing; accomodation, food & beverages; services and real estate
sectors, however, posed a dragged to the overall growth.
Overall, 2Q 2016 economic growth showed a resilient domestic demand
helped cushioning sluggish external trade performance. This brings the economy
to grow by 5.0% y-o-y in 1H, in line with our estimation. We envisage the
situation to persist into 2H 2016 and the economy will likely grow at a faster
pace of 5.2% in 2H 2016, with domestic demand remains the main engine of
growth. As a result, we are of the view that the economy will likely post
higher growth of 5.1% in 2016, from +4.8% in 2015.
Best regards,
Rizki Fajar
Vice President
PT. RHB Securities