RHB Indonesia - Summarecon Agung - Targets Cut Amid The Low Achievement (Summarecon Agung, Plantation, Merdeka Copper and Gold, Lautan Luas, Megapolitan Developments, Gaikindo Auto Show) Unknown Jumat, 11 Agustus 2017

Good morning,

Summarecon Agung – Targets Cut Amid The Low Achievement

Although presales have improved in 2Q17, we cut our target FY17F marketing sales to IDR2.7trn following its downward presales target revision to IDR3.5trn along with the disappointing results in 2Q17. Therefore, our FY17F-18F earnings are slashed by 20% and 21% respectively, which lead to a lower new TP of IDR1,125 (from IDR 1,422, 3% upside), implying a 60% discount to NAV. We remain cautious of Summarecon because of its high gearing level and high interest costs. However, we expect its performance to improve next year. Maintain NEUTRAL.

¨ Target presales cut. As at 1H17, Summarecon Agung (Summarecon) booked marketing sales of IDR1,438bn (-16% YoY, +118% QoQ) or equivalent to 32% and 39% of the company’s and our initial target. 1H17’s presales achievement was lower than its 5-year historical average trend of 52% during the first semester. Meanwhile, the latest 7M17 presales data came in at IDR1,540bn or 20% lower compared to 7M16 and only accounted for 41% from our initial target.
We believe that management was aware of the challenge and have revised down its FY17 target marketing sales to IDR3.5trn from IDR4.5trn. After taking into account the company’s revision and its soft presales in 7M17, we too revise our target FY17F-18F presales to IDR2,895bn and IDR3,249bn respectively. Currently, management’s plan for 2H17F product launches comprise of the following:
i. IDR900bn from two launches in Serpong;
ii. IDR900bn from two launches in Bandung;
iii. IDR200bn from a shoplot launch in Karawang (Aug 2017);
iv. IDR500bn from two launches in Bekasi.

¨ Weak 2Q17 results & earnings adjustment. 2Q17’s topline grew 18% QoQ mostly driven by apartment and retail sales while house, commercial, and landplot sales were slow. Higher apartment sales led to higher cost of goods sold (COGS), and combined with the higher marketing expenses in opex, have eventually eroded 2Q17’s bottomline into negative territory. As a result of the cut to target presales, we lower our earnings assumptions by -20% and -21% for FY17F-18F respectively with net margins falling to 2.6% this year (-313.6bps).
¨ Maintain NEUTRAL. We remain cautious on Summarecon due to its high gearing and interest costs, as well as soft presales during 7M17 that led to management lowering its targets. However, we expect improvements to come in the next year with a 7% topline CAGR growth for FY17F-19F. Our IDR1,125 TP implies a 60% discount to RNAV.
¨ Risks to our call include the depleting prime landbank, deteriorating capital structure with gearing on the rise, weaker presales, project delivery delays, regulation changes affecting the sector, and better-than-expected demand. (Yualdo Tirtakencana)

Link to daily report: Indonesia Morning Cuppa 110817

Sector Update:

Plantation – Stock/Usage Ratios Back To Historical Average
Malaysia’s inventory numbers rose to 1.78m tonnes in July, implying normalised stock/usage ratios that are in line with historical averages. We believe inventory levels may continue rising in the next few months, as production continues to ramp up during the peak period. Even so, festive demand should also start coming through soon. For the regional planters, we expect the bulk of companies to record in-line results – although, for this quarter, we could see more companies booking better-than-expected numbers. No change to our UNDERWEIGHT sector rating.

¨ Malaysia’s CPO production rose 20.7% MoM in July. YTD, production has climbed 14.9% YoY. In August, production is likely to continue strengthening as we head towards the peak period. For the whole of 2017, we expect Malaysia’s CPO output growth to moderate to 10-12% YoY.
¨ Exports rose by a slight 1.3% MoM in July, post the Aidil Fitri festive ramp-up two months before. This brought YTD exports to a 6.3% increase YoY. In YTD-July, exports to China rose 7.3% YoY while EU saw a 5.4% increase but this was offset by a 21% YoY decline to India and 20.9% drop to the US.
¨ Inventory rose 16.8% MoM to 1.784m tonnes in July due to the stronger output and weak exports. Annualised stock/usage ratios for July are now at 9.5% (up from 8.2% in June), which is in line with historical averages. This means that stock levels are no longer in a shortage situation, as had been the case for the last eleven months. We expect to see a continuation of rising inventory levels, as production resumes its recovery during the peak seasonal period.
¨ 2Q17 results preview. Due to the strong recovery in FFB output, we expect five companies to report stronger-than-expected results (Genting Plantations, Kuala Lumpur Kepong, IJM Plantations, First Resources and Golden Agri). Meanwhile, we anticipate two planters to book disappointing numbers, ie Felda Global Ventures and Ta Ann.
Eight companies are estimated to post results that are in line with our projections. A summary of our results preview is on Figure 2. While the average FFB output grew 17.5% YoY in 2Q17, we expect this to moderate in 2H17 due to the higher base in 2H16.
¨ We maintain our UNDERWEIGHT rating on the sector, on the back of a strong output recovery and weak demand dynamics. Catalysts include a positive change to global demand and any extreme weather occurrences that would have an impact on global vegetable oil output. Our top BUY is Sime Darby (SIME MK, TP: MYR10.15) while our top SELL is London Sumatra (Lonsum) (LSIP IJ, TP: IDR1,200). (Hoe Lee Leng, Hariyanto Wijaya, CFA, CPA, CMT)

Automotive: Ground check on GIIAS auto show
Yesterday, we visited GIIAS, Indonesia largest auto show. Mitsubishi with its new low-MPV Xpander was stealing the show which was indicated by crowd in its booth. Surprisingly, during our visit, Wuling booth - which just launched low-MPV Confero - was not too crowded. Toyota launched med-MPV Voxy, while no new model from Honda. We see Xpander could be serious competitor to Astra"s Avanza.

Based on price range, Wuling Confero is likely to compete with Toyota Calya. While, Mitsubishi Xpander likely compete with Toyota Avanza. At the moment, it is still not clear how long Astra auto division earning to be under pressured, following Xpander and Confero launches. However, we believe, in long term, Astra should be able to recover its earnings - thanks to its strong after sales service, brand name, and dealers network.

Astra share price had declined by 17%, partly driven by anticipation of rising competition in auto business. At current share price, Astra is trading below -1SD from its average rolling average PE which is near its bottom. Maintain BUY with IDR9,850 TP (24% upside), implies 17x FY18F P/E.

Yesterday, GIIAS was open to limited invitation. Today, we will visit GIIAS again to check crowd on booths when the auto show open to public. (Andrey Wijaya)

Company Update:

Lautan Luas (LTLS IJ, NR), Meeting takeaways
We visited Lautan Luas, here are the key takeaways:
¨ Lautan Luas has three business lines: chemical distribution, manufacturing and supported services. Currently chemical distribution still dominates its revenue by more than 56%, while manufacturing only contributes 36% of revenue. By the end of this year, contribution from manufacturing is expected to improve to 45%, while its distribution business will be stood at 45% to revenue.
¨ Manufacturing business provides decent GPM at 20% - 25%, better than distribution margin of 12%-15%. On the other hand, supported services offers the highest GPM of 25%-30%.
¨ Currently, they own fully utilized creamer factory with total capacity 21,600 tonnes pa with an upcoming new factory with additional capacity of 40k tonnes pa. New creamer factory will start to operate in 2H17 and its targeted to be fully utilized in FY19.
¨ The company conservatively targets IDR120bn (+100% YoY) NPAT in FY17F, with IDR7trn (+8.7% YoY) revenue, supported by profit from associates (previously was booking lost in FY16). In 1H17, LTLS had recorded IDR85bn (+157.9% YoY) net profit and 3.5trn (+12.5% YoY) revenue.
¨ Lautan Luas sees a better outlook in 2H17 as the new creamer factory will start the production and they are benefited from recent enforcement on illegal import.
¨ In FY18F revenue is expected to improved +15%YoY, with relatively stable GPM of 17-18%. Net gearing would be lower to 1x (from current NDER of 1.3x). Hence, Lautan Luas aims minimum of 20% net profit growth next year.
Lautan Luas has 30% dividend payout policy, which translate to 4.8% assuming IDR120bn FY17F’s NPAT. The stock is currently trading at 6.2x/4.9x FY17F/FY18F PE. (Dony Gunawan)

Megapolitan Developments (EMDE IJ, NR), Analyst meeting notes
We were invited to Megapolitan analyst meeting with the following key takeaways:
¨ The company has four development areas that are mainly located within Greater Jakarta area:
1. Cinere, Depok (Main focus area)
2. Sentul, Bogor (2nd focus area)
3. Karawaci, Tangerang
4. Kuningan, Jakarta
¨ Company’s current landbank is 350ha.
¨ The company has four products, based on 2Q17 revenue breakdown;
1. landed house (19%),
2. apartment (18%),
3. commercial (29%),
4. rental (34%)
¨ Megapolitan experienced 101% CAGR growth on net profit since 2011-2016 supported by 27% CAGR growth on revenue during the same period. The company also managed to maintain GPM at above 50% level since 2010, while net margin as of 1H17 stood at 18.7%. Balance sheet is quite healthy with net gearing stood at 37%, leaving plenty of room for future leverage, with 3.3x EBITDA/interest ratio.
¨ Going forward, management will focus to target the mid-low segment with landed house price in the range of IDR1.2-2bn/unit and apartment price in the range of IDR300-600mn/unit.
¨ This year Megapolitan targets IDR360bn of marketing sales with IDR174bn achieved during 1H17 (48% from target). Management is also targeting 15% topline growth for FY18F.
¨ Upcoming projects will include:
i. 2.3ha Graha Cinere Phase-4 landed house (2017)
ii. 3.9ha Cinere Terrace Suites apartment (2018)
iii. 2.1ha Cinere Terrace Walk Mall (2018)
iv. 7.3ha Cinere Parkview landed house (2018)
v. 0.2ha De Vonte shophouses (2019)
vi. 6.8ha Vivo Sentul mixed use (2018-2019)
vii. 1.2haTatya Asri Sentul landed house (2023)
Based on managements’ estimate, Megapolitan’s current NAV per share stood at IDR1,753. Using this assumption, the stock is currently trading at an attractive 85% discount to its NAV. (Yualdo Tirtakencana)

Merdeka Copper and Gold (MDKA IJ, NR), Meeting key takeaways
We visited Merdeka Copper and Gold, here are the key takeaways:
¨ Currently Merdeka Copper and Gold (Merdeka) has 36m tonnes reserves out of 90m tonnes resources, which will be improved to 46m tonnes reserves by the end of this year. Having said that, the company is eyeing 4m tonnes production pa and potentially will be increased after prefeasibility study in September. On the other hand, copper can be mined seven years after the production started.
¨ They just started operation in march’17 and has fully operated in June’17. In 1H17 the company has produced 25k onces gold and 6.4k ounces silver with cash cost of USD286/oz Au or All-in Sustaining Cost (AISC) of USD505/oz Au, the most efficient among peers in Indonesia with stripping ratio around 1.1x .
¨ Net gearing is currently stood at 0.8x and MDKA expects to have net cash position by the end of FY18.
¨ Merdeka estimates its production to reach 110k ounces of gold in FY17 at an AISC of USD550-USD650oz.
The company estimates its EBITDA of USD100m in FY18F and minimum of USD70m-USD75m pretax cashflow pa. (Dony Gunawan)

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Our Recent Publication:
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Sector Update: Financial Technology – Embracing The Disruptor
Economics Update: Economic Growth Sustained In 2Q17
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Company Update: Nippon Indosari Corpindo – Expecting Sunshine After The Storm
Company Update: Aneka Gas Industri – Muted Volume Growth Due To Lebaran Break
Company Update: Wijaya Karya Persero – Stronger Year Ahead
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Results Review: Bumi Serpong Damai – Expect Its Performance To Stay Level In 2H17
Results Review: XL Axiata – Upbeat On Better Data Monetisation
Results Review: Unilever Indonesia – Solid Earnings Growth Likely To Continue

Best regards,

Helmy Kristanto
Head of Indonesia Research
PT RHB Sekuritas Indonesia

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