RHB Indonesia - Corporate News Flash: Astra International (ASII IJ, BUY, IDR9,000), More Upbeat On Imminent Launch Of New Models Unknown Selasa, 16 Agustus 2016

Coorporate Flash Notes:
Astra International (ASII IJ, BUY, IDR9,000)
More Upbeat On Imminent Launch Of New Models
Ground checks at the Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) have led us to believe auto makers are now more upbeat on a sales recovery. Auto makers like Toyota, Mitsubishi and a new player, Wuling, are set to launch new models in 2017. Competition in the MPV segment is likely to tighten. However, Astra as the first mover has an advantage and is likely to be a winner, thanks to its well-known brands and strong after-sales services. Maintain BUY, with a SOP-based TP of IDR9,000 (15% upside) implying 18x FY17F P/E.  

      More new models in 2017. Being more upbeat on Indonesia’s car market, auto makers like Toyota, Mitsubishi and new player SAIC-General Motors-Wuling (Wuling) are set to launch new models next year. After launching the Toyota Calya, Daihatsu Sigra and Toyota Sienta, Astra is likely to launch a new crossover car model, the Toyota C-HR, in 2017. Mitsubishi will also launch a small crossover MPV, the Mitsubishi MX which is targeted towards buyers who like models like Honda’s B-RV. In addition, Wuling is expected to launch a 7-seater MPV which is likely to compete head-to-head with Astra’s Toyota Avanza and/or the Toyota Calya. However, Astra (a first-mover) has an advantage and is likely to emerge a winner, thanks to its robust brands as well as strong after-sales services.
      Mitsubishi to boost car sales. Mitsubishi will locally produce passenger cars and a small crossover MPV model at its new manufacturing plant in Bekasi, West Java, which are expected to commence operations in Apr 2017. Mitsubishi plans to launch the small crossover MPV, Mitsubishi MX (for details, see Mitsubishi MX Stand) in Oct 2017. The plant’s production capacity is 160,000 units pa, of which half will be allocated to assemble the Mitsubishi MX, while the remainder will be to assemble the Pajero Sport and Colt Diesel L300.
      Wuling introducing a 7-seater MPV. Wuling will introduced 7-seater MPVs with two types of engines, ie for 1.5l and 1.8l (link to Wuling Indonesia). It is still uncertain whether Wuling cars will compete in the low-cost green car (LCGC) or low-MPV categories. Its new cars are likely to be introduced in 2H17, after the completion of its new plant (scheduled for Jul 2017) in Kota Deltamas, Bekasi which will have a production capacity of 150,000 units pa. It plans to have over 50 dealerships, spare parts and maintenance service centers across Indonesia over the next two years, with the majority located in the Greater Jakarta area.  
      Toyota Calya is the darling. Astra's new 7-seater LCGC MPVs, the Toyota Calya and Daihatsu Sigra were big favourites at (link to Toyota Calya stand) at the GIIAS (Indonesia’s largest auto show, link to 2016 GIIAS crowds) this year. Priced below IDR150m/unit, the Calya offers an attractive exterior, good quality spacious interior and a 1.2l engine. It is no doubt that it will be another Astra sales growth driver. An Astra salesman said that demand for the Calya is very strong. This model is targeted towards first car buyers.

Best regards,
Andrey Wijaya
Senior Vice President
Research Analyst – Auto, Consumer, Cement
PT. RHB Securities Indonesia