RHB Indonesia Morning Cuppa - 27 June 2016- (Impact on Brexit) Unknown Senin, 27 Juni 2016

Good morning,

Indonesia Strategy: Direct Impact on Brexit is mild

Indonesia's economy is mostly driven by domestic consumption, we believe the Brexit issue should not have considerable impact to the Indonesia long term economic growth. While Indonesia direct trade to Euro zone is not significant in our view, the potential risk would mainly comes from greater volatility of the IDR. The imminent passage of tax amnesty could serve as mitigating factor, which will strengthened Indonesia budget stability, securing funding for infra spending.

The Brexit impact on two main channels
The preposterous decision of UK to leave Euro Zone has sent across a state of turmoil globally. The “Brexit” is expected to affect Indonesia economy from two main channels. The first will likely be through the financial and currency markets. We will likely see a sell-down in global financial markets and weakness in Pound sterling, Euro, and emerging countries’ currencies, including Indonesia. Hence, Rupiah will likely to depreciate against USD. The second is via trade and investment not just from UK but Europe as a whole. Worst case, if Brexit were to trigger domino effect, it may drag down global economic growth and send Indonesia economy to slow down just like the case in 2008-09 US subprime credit crisis. During that period, Indonesia’s growth slowed to 4.6% in 2009, from +6.0% in 2008.
In our view, the Brexit impact should not derail Indonesia long term economy growth trajectory, mainly due to: 1.Indonesia greater dependency toward domestic consumption, which accounts for 55% of GDP, 2. Overall net export only accounts for less than 2% and 3. Indonesia direct trade to Euro Zone is not significant. The share of Indonesia’s direct exports to UK are small around 1.0% and to Europe, the share is higher at 11.4% in 2015. Indonesia’s exports to the UK consist mainly of footwear, apparel, and wood articles. The bulk of Indonesia exports to EU is to Netherlands (23%), Germany (18%), and Italy (13%) and the main products are raw materials and unrefined goods.
In terms of foreign direct investment (FDI), Indonesia recorded a net outflow of FDI from UK and Europe of USD0.2bn and USD1.1bn, respectively. From 2010-2014, the share of FDI from UK has averaged only around 6.8% of the total while FDI from Europe, except in 2011, mostly recorded an outflow or less than 2% of total FDI. Based on our estimate, for every 1% drop in Europe’s economic growth, Indonesia’s exports will likely be down by 1.0% and the economic growth will be negatively impacted by 0.1-0.2%.
Indirect impact: IDR weakening
While virtually corporate under our coverage has no exposure to this region,the potential indirect risk would be on IDR depreciation. On this aspect,sector/company that will be negatively impacted would be: 1. Consumer and healthcare sector given their large raw material importation. Within consumer, retailers (MAPI IJ and ACES IJ) would have more risk than the staples (ICBP IJ, INDF IJ and UNVR IJ), while pharmaceutical (KLBF IJ) would be more affected than hospitals (MIKA IJ, SILO IJ). 2. Sector with high USD debt exposure such as telcos (ISAT IJ and EXCL IJ), tower (TBIG IJ and TOWR IJ) and media (MNCN IJ). On the contrary, the exporters (AALI IJ and LSIP IJ) and USD earners (UNTR IJ) could benefit from these ST IDR weakening, although the former could still see risk on weakening palm oil price. With Brexit, there could be further delay in the Fed rate hikes which would open up more possibility for Bank Indonesia to further cut interest rate. On this respect, property and banks sector will be the most positively impacted.
Imminent tax amnesty approval
After months of deliberation in the parliament, the new tax amnesty law is likely to get green light on the next General Assembly (28 June) especially after the working committee consisting of parliament members and government officials approved the critical details of the proposal on Friday, which include, among others, the penalty of 2 to 10% for asset repatriation/declaration. In our view, the passage of tax amnesty will undoubtedly strengthened Indonesia's budget situation, which currently under the pressure of increasing budget deficit on below than target government revenue. We believe this would serve as solid catalyst for market in general, which would bring restore confidence back to Indonesian government, and lure foreign inflow to Indonesia. Infra and property sector would be the direct beneficiary of the approval of tax amnesty.
Defensive stock preferred
In the short term, we advise for add position in defensive stock with strong management quality such as TLKM IJ and BBCA IJ. We also like property counter (BSDE IJ and CTRA IJ) and construction (ADHI IJ and WSKT IJ) on tax amnesty approval. Over the medium to longer term, there should not be any considerable change on Indonesia economy growth path which will focus on the development of infrastructure. (Helmy Kristanto)
Comments on Brexit impact on the sectors:
Although Brexit may indirectly slower consumer spending recovery, we believe that domestic auto sales recovery to progress,driven lower interest rate which should reduce financing costs, as well as potential relaxation on vehicles financing LTV. However, manufacturing costs may increase if IDR depreciate against USD although IDR exchange rate is still relatively stable post Brexit results announcement. Maintain BUY on Astra International.
Minimal impact from brexit on Indonesian banks as banks already limit forex exposure in their balance sheet since three years ago. Recent major off-shore borrowings in Mandiri (BMRI IJ, neutral, TP IDR10,100), BRI (BBRI IJ, buy, TP IDR12,900) and BNI (BBNI IJ, buy, TP IDR6,200) obtained from CDB (China Development Banks) for infra projects has a minor contribution of its respective funding mix (less than 10%).
As commodity resources income country, Indonesia consumer spending is likely to be indirectly hurt by potential weakening demand on commodity product, which could pose a risk on CPO price. Manufacturing cost may increase if IDR weakened against USD since around 60% costs are related to USD. However, its impact is merely short-term. Within consumers, the retailers will have more risk on further IDR weakening. Indofood Sukses remains as our top pick.
We believe Brexit has insignificant impact to Indonesia construction sector as companies usually sign an agreement with the raw material suppliers to lock raw material prices before they start the project. Thus, contractors will not suffer from volatility in currency.
No direct impact to cement sector, given its small export portion. Cement sales may weaken further, but this is mainly driven by domestic factors such as soft consumer spending. In our view, overcapacity on the cement production capacity is still the key risks. Cement companies is likely to further lower its selling price to protect market share which will force EBIT margin to compress. We see this overcapacity situation to continue in 2017. We reiterate Neutral on the sectorwith Semen Indonesia as our top pick.
There will be a minimum impact on the Brexit towards Media sector in Indonesia. According to our economist, there will be an impact on the Indonesia currency in the short term after the Brexit. We view that, Media Nusantara Citra (MNCN IJ, BUY, TP:IDR2,300) will have an impact as the company has USD250mn debt. In the short term, we could see the higher forex loss. Meanwhile, there is no impact to the Surya Citra Media (SCMA IJ, NEUTRAL, TP:IDR3,300) – as the company has no USD debt and minimal cost of programs in USD.
We see the impact of brexit to Indonesia property sector is INSIGNIFICANT. The indirect impact on IDR weakening will negatively affecting companies with large exposure to USD bond, like ASRI and LPKR. But so far, IDR has been quite resilient and stable post Brexit announcement.
Recent positive news from BI rate cut and LTV relaxation probably would mitigate the negative sentiment on Brexit, and we believe that the current weak share price should be seen as buying opportunity, given: i) near term catalyst from passiing of tax amnesty bill. ii) less possibility for fed rate cut which might provided room for further BI rate cut
We expect better 2H16 presales performance, with 1H16 presales might achieved around 30-35% of the total FY16 presales target. However, we expect significant recovery be more visible in 2017.
Amid the recent relaxation measure, we still focus on company's balance sheet and cash flow. we also favor landed residential than high rise given tendency of Indonesia's prefered type of property. Great landbank and vast projects portfolios (locations) should also our top picks criteria which we skewed to Bumi Serpong Damai (BSDE IJ, BUY, TP 2,540) and Ciputra Development (CTRA IJ, BUY, TP1,540).
In our view, there is no direct impact from the Brexit towards Tower sector in Indonesia. The indirect impact will negatively impact the company who has a USD debt exposure, c. Tower Bersama Infrastructure (TBIG IJ, NEUTRAL, IDR6,450). There will be a mixed impact towards Brexit; as we view that the Indonesia rupiah will shoot up in the short term. The company revenue will improve in the short term due to their USD contract with Indosat (ISAT IJ, NEUTRAL, TP: IDR5,650). On the other hands, there is no significant impact to the Sarana Menara Nusantara (TOWR IJ, BUY, TP: IDR4,700).
No significant impact to the transportation sector in Indoensia. The companies under our coverage have a minimum impact to USD and there is no cost that related to USD. Blue Bird (BIRD IJ, BUY, TP:IDR7,500) has no USD debt in their balance sheet and no USD cost exposure. While, Express Transindo Utama (TAXI IJ, NEUTRAL, TP: IDR200) also has a minimum USD debt exposure with no USD cost related.
(Indonesia Research team)
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Best regards,

Helmy Kristanto
Head of Indonesia Research
PT. RHB Securities Indonesia